This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein. In compliance of the new GDPR framework, please note that the Partnership will only process your personal data in the sole interest and purpose of the project and without any prejudice to your rights., founded by Vanessa Arellano, is a distinctive online platform that specialises in bringing traditional Mexican handicrafts to a global market. The company’s mission is to offer a wide array of unique, handmade Mexican products, such as artisanal tequila glasses, which embody the rich cultural heritage and skilled craftsmanship of Mexico. Initially created with the vision of operating through collaborations with physical stores, has successfully transitioned to an online business model in response to changing market trends and consumer preferences. This shift has allowed to broaden its reach and make these culturally significant items more accessible to a diverse international audience. By doing so, the company not only supports the livelihoods of local Mexican artisans but also plays a vital role in promoting and preserving Mexican culture and traditions beyond its borders. Through its user-friendly webshop and active presence on social media, effectively connects customers with the vibrant world of Mexican artistry, offering a unique shopping experience that transcends geographical boundaries.


As the founder of, our business is dedicated to showcasing the rich tapestry of Mexican handicrafts, not only in Denmark but also to a global audience. Our focus is on offering authentic, handmade Mexican items, such as artisanal tequila glasses, which embody more than just utility; they are a celebration of cultural heritage and artistry. Initially, my vision was to form partnerships with physical stores. This approach was rooted in the belief that a physical interaction with these crafts could create a deeper connection and appreciation for their cultural significance. Customers would be able to feel, see, and understand the story behind each piece, creating a unique shopping experience.

However, with the rapid evolution of the market and the increasing shift towards digital platforms, it became clear that an online presence was essential. Thus, pivoted to an online model. This transition was not just about expanding our reach but also about embracing the possibilities that come with digital innovation. Our webshop, which is closely integrated with various social media platforms, offers a seamless and accessible experience for our customers. They have the option to either pick up their purchases locally, fostering a sense of community connection, or choose shipping, which brings a piece of Mexican culture right to their doorstep. This shift has enabled us to make these unique cultural artefacts accessible to a much wider audience, spreading the beauty and richness of Mexican craftsmanship far beyond its borders.


My journey towards entrepreneurship is deeply rooted in my desire to reconnect with and share my Mexican heritage, a longing that grew stronger during my successful career in multinational corporations. Despite professional achievements, I felt a profound lack of personal satisfaction and yearned for greater freedom and a deeper cultural connection. This inner void led me to a momentous decision: I quit my stable job, sold all my possessions, and embarked on a transformative journey across Europe. This wasn't just a change of scenery; it was a quest for self-discovery, a pursuit of a life that resonated with my identity and values. My travels, particularly my time in Denmark, sparked by my childhood fascination with the Little Mermaid, brought me closer to realising my passion for bringing a piece of my Mexican roots to my new environment.

This realisation in Denmark, where I felt an unexpected sense of belonging, was the catalyst for my entrepreneurial venture. I envisioned a platform where I could showcase the rich tapestry of Mexican craftsmanship to a European audience. This vision led to the creation of, a business that wasn't just about selling products but was a celebration of Mexican culture and traditions. Combining my business acumen with a deep love for my cultural heritage, I embarked on a mission to bridge the gap between two worlds. Through, I aim to introduce the vibrant and intricate beauty of Mexican handicrafts to those seeking authenticity and cultural depth in their lives, turning my personal journey into an opportunity to enrich others' lives with the unique essence of Mexican culture.


The journey of establishing has been one marked by resilience and the ability to adapt in the face of challenges. Initially, I had envisioned collaborating with physical stores to offer a tactile experience of our Mexican handicrafts, creating a direct connection between the products and the customers. However, the rapidly changing consumer landscape, driven by an increasing shift towards digital platforms, necessitated a strategic pivot to an online presence. As a solo entrepreneur, I found myself managing every facet of the business, from the complexities of web development to the nuances of marketing. This journey wasn't without its hurdles; financial constraints required that all revenue be reinvested into the business, which included supporting our network of artisans in Mexico. Such challenges demanded not just business acumen but a deep-seated passion and commitment to our cause.

Despite these initial obstacles, my dedication and ability to adapt have been instrumental in overcoming them. I have successfully established a fully functional online store, which not only serves as a commercial platform but also as a cultural bridge, connecting our customers with the rich heritage of Mexican craftsmanship. To enhance our reach, I have implemented targeted digital marketing strategies, utilising social media to its fullest potential. These efforts have laid a solid foundation for, allowing us to grow and evolve, not just as a business but as a custodian of Mexican culture and artistry. This journey, though challenging, has been immensely rewarding, reinforcing my belief in the power of perseverance and adaptability in the entrepreneurial world.


Since its inception, has experienced significant growth and positive impacts. Transitioning to an online platform broadened our reach and diversified our customer base, enhancing the visibility and sales of Mexican handicrafts. This has not only supported the artisans back in Mexico but also facilitated cultural exchange. Customers are now able to own a piece of Mexican heritage, which has been greatly appreciated. This success has benefited the business financially and has been instrumental in promoting Mexican culture, aligning with my vision of cultural preservation and exchange.


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